En İyi Acil TIP Web Siteleri 2017

2017 Yılının En İyi Acil Tıp Web Sitesi

2017 yılında en iyi ve en çok ziyaret alan acil tıp web sitelerini yine aciltıp.com olarak hazırladık.

Acil Tıp web sitelerinin dünya sıralaması Alexa verileri ile oluşturuldu. Önce, Acil tıp bloglarında yer alan toplam 250 web sitesi adreslerini alexa sıralamasını sorguladık, bunlarda sadece 120 web sitesine ait sıralama puanı elde edildi. Bir çok acil tıp sitesinin, son bir yılda kapandığı veya alexa puanının oluşmadığı gözlendi. Acil tıp dergileri, dergilere bağlı bloglar ve sub-domain olarak yer alan adresler sıralamadan çıkarıldı. Kalan 109 acil tıp sitesine ait alexia dünya sıralaması puanları kayıt edilerek liste hazırlandı.
Son iki yıldır LITFL ve EmCrit yerini korurken 3. sıradan 4. sıraya düşen Aliem’in yerini WikiEM doldurdu.
ilk üç sıralaması ise söyle olmuştur,

  1. LITFL
  2. EMCrit Blog
  3. WikEM


Sıra Web sitesi ismi web adresi Dünya sıralaması
1 LITFL http://lifeinthefastlane.com/ 11,667
2 EMCrit Blog http://emcrit.org/ 176,014
3 WikEM http://www.wikem.org/ 203,932
4 Academic Life in Emergency Medicine https://www.aliem.com/ 228,287
5 EP Monthly 257,794
6 EM Docs http://emdocs.net/ 303,778
7 Emergency Medicine Cases http://www.emergencymedicinecases.com/ 335,499
8 Rebel EM http://rebelem.com 353,089
9 ACILCI http://www.acilci.net/ 477,782
10 EMS 12 lead http://ems12lead.com/ 496,121
11 Dr Smith’s ECG Blog http://hqmeded-ecg.blogspot.com 579,645
12 Acil TIP http://www.aciltıp.com/ 602,455
13 PedEM Morsels http://pedemmorsels.com 810,087
14 Emergency Medicine updates http://emupdates.com/ 821,332
15 EM Basic http://embasic.org/ 836,463
16 St Emlyns Blog http://stemlynsblog.org/ 868,343
17 thoracotomie http://thoracotomie.com/ 929,67
18 UMEM Pearls https://umem.org/educational_pearls/ 1,022,858
19 Sinai EM Media http://media.sinaiem.org/ 1,044,881
20 Resusitasyon.com https://www.resusitasyon.com/ 1,071,991
21 The Skeptics guide to EM http://thesgem.com/ 1,077,929
22 Ultrasound Podcast http://www.ultrasoundpodcast.com/ 1,197,692
23 FOAM EM http://foamem.com 1,254,108
24 EmergencyPedia http://emergencypedia.com/ 1,300,629
25 Medicina d’Emergenza http://www.medicinadurgenza.org/ 1,415,764
26 PEM Blog http://www.pemcincinnati.com/blog/ 1,497,047
27 Urgencias Bidasoa http://urgenciasbidasoa.wordpress.com/ 1,539,702
28 Emergency Ultrasound Teaching http://www.emergencyultrasoundteaching.com/ 1,632,295
29 Resus ME http://resus.me/ 1,637,780
30 Crashing Patient http://crashingpatient.com/ 1,657,990
31 ERCAST 1,768,480
32 acilbook https://acilbook.com/ 1,817,257
33 The Poison Review 1,818,803
34 SCANCRIT http://www.scancrit.com/ 2,033,237
35 ddxof http://ddxof.com/ 2,076,600
36 Trauma Professionals blog http://regionstraumapro.com/ 2,112,857
37 Reanimación http://www.reanimacion.net/ 2,114,075
38 SMACC http://www.smacc.net.au/ 2,289,183
39 EM Lit of note http://www.emlitofnote.com/ 2,308,251
40 Charlies ED http://scghed.com/ 2,334,922
41 Pediatric Emergency Playbook http://pemplaybook.org 2,347,938
42 Taming the SRU http://tamingthesru.com/ 2,391,372
43 DGINA Blog http://dgina.de/blog/ 2,510,081
44 Flipped EM Classroom https://flippedemclassroom.wordpress.com/ 2,595,325
45 Receiving The place for EM http://drhem.com/ 2,640,459
46 PHARM http://prehospitalmed.com/ 2,642,929
47 ACMT http://www.acmt.net/ACMTPodcasts.html 2,661,795
48 Rogue Medic http://roguemedic.com/ 2,664,325
49 Broome Docs http://broomedocs.com/ 2,686,657
50 HQMedEd http://www.hqmeded.com/ 2,717,673
51 EM Lyceum http://emlyceum.com/ 2,922,927
52 taburcu.net http://taburcu.net/ 2,963,740
53 White Coat Call Room 256,486
54 Oz EMedicine blog http://www.ozemedicine.com/blog/ 3,088,475
55 Resus Review http://resusreview.com/ 3,165,719
56 REMI Journal of Intensive Care Medicine http://www.medicina-intensiva.com/ 3,256,260
57 StripTease http://www.electricant.net/ekg/ 3,283,941
58 The PEMNetwork http://www.pemfellows.com/blog/ 3,292,990
59 MERITUS http://meritus.kopernika.pl/ 3,548,656
60 MedMasters http://www.mededmasters.com/ 3,888,084
61 EM REMS 3,954,468
62 Emergency Education http://emergencyeducation.net/emergency-medicine.html 3,965,656
63 Free Emergency Medicine Talks http://freeemergencytalks.net/ 4,050,656
64 ED Exam http://www.edexam.com.au/ 4,107,959
65 NAEMSP Blog http://www.naemsp-blog.com/ 4,246,390
66 GruntDoc http://gruntdoc.com/ 4,356,167
67 KI Docs http://kidocs.org 4,358,401
68 SOCMOB http://socmob.org 4,382,861
69 Sinai EM US http://sinaiem.us/ 4,520,370
70 Emergency Medicine Ireland http://emergencymedicineireland.com/ 4,527,727
71 Agraphia 4,561,548
72 Improving Care in ED http://improvingedcare.org/ 4,850,875
73 PEM ED http://www.pemed.org/ 4,944,902
74 EMergucate http://www.emergucate.com/ 5,095,840
75 Crit-IQ http://www.crit-iq.com/blog 5,467,868
76 ED informatics http://ed-informatics.org/ 5,505,619
77 EMERGPA http://www.emergpa.net/wp/blog 5,954,251
78 The Short Coat http://shortcoatsinem.blogspot.com 6,268,328
79 EMPEM http://empem.org/ 6,694,669
80 Foambase http://foambase.org 6,719,214
81 Shoulder Dislocation http://shoulderdislocation.net 6,948,328
82 EMBER http://emberproject.org/ 7,225,023
83 EM Dutch http://emdutch.com/ 7,533,639
84 Fickle Finger http://www.ficklefinger.net/blog 7,650,517
85 Edwin Leap http://edwinleap.com/blog/ 7,764,063
86 EM Education http://emeddoc.org/ 7,890,214
87 tatdus http://tatdus.org 8,175,700
88 The Central Line http://thecentralline.org/ 8,375,458
89 Wikemerg 8,542,624
90 Injectable Orange http://injectableorange.com/ 8,808,198
91 The EM Res Podcast http://www.emrespodcast.tumblr.com/ 9,214,411
92 Emergency Physicians International https://www.epijournal.com 9,617,729
93 EM forum http://emergencymedicineforum.org/ 9,848,399
94 EBMgoneWILD http://ebmgonewild.com/ 10,208,425
95 The Sharp End http://www.thesharpend.org/ 10,214,903
96 PICU Doctor http://www.picudoctor.org/ 10,971,831
97 Those Emergency Blues http://torontoemerg.wordpress.com/ 12,316,332
98 PEM Literature http://pemlit.org/ 12,712,113
99 emerJencyWEBB http://emerjencywebb.wordpress.com/ 13,214,774
100 Auckland HEMS http://aucklandhems.com/ 13,579,487
101 Quiz EM http://quizem.org 14,349,156
102 Chile Emergency Medicine http://mduchile.com/ 16,019,169
103 Champagne Tap http://champagnetap.blogspot.com 17,348,498
104 StorytellERdoc http://storytellerdoc.blogspot.com/ 17,370,295
105 Kardioblog http://www.kardioblogie.blogspot.cz/ 17,738,989
106 CCPEM  cpem.com/ 18,420,371
107 The Nurse Path  18,643,328
108 Keep Caring http://keep-caring.com/ 19,343,476
109 Asystole: The Most Stable Rhythm http://asystoleisstable.blogspot.com/ 19,586,853

*erişim: 12.12.2017-16.12.2017

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